Reduce and reuse points map

In this map you will find:

  • shops selling detergents and food without packaging (e.g rice, pasta, cereals, pulses, flour, wine ...), washable diapers, menstrual cups, etc.
  • bicycle repair shops
  • places to donate, exchange or sell what you no longer use
  • street milk dispensers

How to use this map?

  1. Choose one or more "Reduce and reuse" points from the "Themes" menu
  2. Choose the map or favorite image to use as a background by selecting it from the "Themes" menu
  3. Choose the municipality that interests you at the bottom of the map

The data coverage is not exhaustive. If you know other "Reduce and reuse points" you can report them using the dedicated forms. Thanks!


Icona alimenti sfusi Food without packaging
Icona casetta acqua pubblica Water street dispensers
Icona ciclofficineBicycle repair workshops
  Icona detersivi e detergenti alla spina/sfusi Detergents and cleansers without packaging
  Icona latte alla spina Street milk dispensers
  Icona negozi dell'usato Secondhand goods shops
  Icona pannolini lavabili Washable diapers
Nome via:


In this list you will find:


1 "To find the nearest collection point, go to the site and check the "Trova il punto più vicino a te"