Webinar "Good taste, no waste! Business strategies to reduce food waste"

The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) has reached its 16th edition this year! The theme of the EWWR 2024 is food waste, a thematic focus already used in 2014, and was chosen to address the issue of increasing food waste.
According to data from the European Commission, in fact, every year more than 58 million tons of organic waste are generated (about 131 kg/ab).

From Waste to Resource: Turin Experiments with the Recycling of Injective Pens

Turin is among the three Italian cities involved in the “TakeBack: ReMed” pilot project, a new initiative for the collection and recycling of pre-filled medical devices for injections.
This initiative, introduced for the first time in Italy by Novo Nordisk, a leading company in the production of drugs for chronic non-communicable diseases and rare diseases, aims to transform single-use devices into reusable resources.

EU infringement procedure: Italy under accusation for single-use plastic

The European Union has launched an infringement procedure against Italy for failure to comply with European directives on single-use plastics and transparency in the internal market. The issue revolves around Directive 2019/904, known as the SUP (Single-Use Plastics) Directive, and Directive 2015/1535, which imposes procedural obligations for the notification of national technical rules.

Packaging reduction: the REUSABLE PACKAGING REVOLUTION project

Every year, thousands of tons of packaging end up in landfill, fueling a cycle of unsustainable waste. This challenge has pushed the European Union to intervene with a new regulation on packaging, aiming to drastically reduce waste production and promote a circular economy. The objective of the regulation is to mitigate the environmental impact deriving from packaging, promoting the adoption of more eco-sustainable practices and guaranteeing higher standards in waste management.

Plastic pollution: the G7 response

The G7 Climate, Energy and Environment summit, held in Venaria Reale from 28 to 30 April, was the stage for a wide range of issues of global relevance. Among them, the gradual abandonment of fossil fuels, in particular coal, independence from Russian gas supplies, the strengthening of renewable energy sources and support for the development of fusion energy. Particular attention was paid to the issue of plastic pollution.