You love the environment and want to be active? Participate in our Universal Civil Service project!

On the 13/12/2021 the new announcement for the selection of volounteers of the Universal Civil Service was published on the website of the Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service. The selection addresses young people between 18 and 28; furthermore, the commitment expected is between 8 and 12 months (depending on the project) and the salary amounts at 439,50 euros per month. Again this year the Metropolitan City of Turin presented, with other partners, many projects that foresee the employment of 221 youngsters.

Among the projects we point out "Fa bene a chi la fa" supervised also by the Office of Planning and Control of the Integrated Cycle of Waste that, in addition, handles the website Beataladifferenziata. Our projects entails, for the young volounteers that will be selected, numerous activities declined on the theme "Teaching and promotion for the adoption of a sustainable consumption model with a careful management of natural resources and generated waste". Among the activities planned there is, for instance, the update and the enhancement of the page "Integrated Cycle of Waste" on the institutional website of the Metropolitan City of Turin and of the website Beataladifferenziata, dedicated to the correct waste management. Another series of activities will be dedicated to the promotion of active citizenship for the rediscovery and reevaluation of the metropolitan territory.

The term for the applications has been delayed to the 9th of March, h 14.00. The applications that will be presented after 14.00 of the 10th of February 2022 are admitted under reserve, waiting for the decision of TAR foreseen for the 8th of March 2022.

All the informations in detail are available on the dedicated page. We hope to see many of your applications!
