Published the Report "Production and Separate Collection" on 2023 data

The Metropolitan Waste Observatory of Città Metropolitana di Torino has published the Report 2023 "Production and Separate Collection", an analysis of the monthly data relating to urban waste in the metropolitan area, produced and collected during 2023.
For a more detailed analysis, you can consult the annual reports on the state of municipal waste management

The past year, 2023, is an interesting year for waste production, as it is the first full year without the aftermath of the pandemic. However, it should be stressed that the health emergency has nevertheless left a significant impact on consumption patterns, changing them in a lasting way.
The total amount of waste generated remains broadly stable compared to 2022, with a modest average increase of 0,6% in the metropolitan area. However, at local level there are significant variations: while there is a slight decrease in waste in the CAV Torino (-0,9%) and Acea (-0,7%), there is an increase in the CAV Covar14 (+2,9%), followed by the CAV CCS (+2,7%) and the SCS-managed area (+2%). The other sectors show increases in value, but less significant.

figura 2.1

In line with the stability of total production, also the percentage of separate collection remains almost constant, rising from 59,5% in 2022 to 60,3% in 2023 at the metropolitan level. It is important to remember that the monthly data analyzed in this report do not consider the contribution of collections not managed by the public service, but that are nevertheless accounted for the purposes of separate collection. This additional contribution represents on average some percentage points.


figura 2.7

figura 2.8

This report focuses on data on public service waste collection, which form the basis of the analyses carried out. However, in the annual reports, these data are supplemented with the quantities of waste from non-domestic users, which are not managed by the public service. This integration can lead to discrepancies between the two calculation methodologies, mainly affecting the total amount of waste collected and the percentage of separate collection. For example, in 2022, the percentage difference in separate collection between the two methodologies was 2,6% for the entire metropolitan area, with more evident deviations in specific areas such as CB16, Cidiu and Torino. Over the past year, the public service collection has not shown significant changes, except in three areas - Acea, CB16 and Teknoservice (CCA) - where organisational changes are ongoing for different reasons.

Overall, the percentage of separate collection shows a modest increase, but there are some significant exceptions. In Turin, along with the Canavese area managed by Teknoservice, the percentage of separate collection remains well below 65% of the national target. In the case of Canavese, the contract change in January 2023, which introduced more stringent performance targets, could lead to improvements during 2024. However, in the capital, the presence of neighborhoods still partially served by road collection, in particular the historic center, requires a change of service, scheduled for 2025. It should be noted that for the city of Turin, some additional percentage points could be acquired in the annual data thanks to the collections of non-domestic utilities not managed directly by the public service. The ongoing interventions in the collection services in the Pinerolese (ACEA) and in the CAV CB16 are positive, which are expected to consolidate during 2024, further contributing to the increase of separate collection.

Total waste production remains stable overall, with no significant increase or decrease. However, there is a slight spontaneous decrease in waste production in the city of Turin, which does not appear to be the result of specific actions.

You can consult other non-annual waste analysis and processing here here.
