Press review Food loss and waste awareness day

The first International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (IDAFLW) was celebrated on 29 September, whose value as a means of raising awareness of the importance of the problem and possible solutions, at all levels and in every phase of the supply chain. food, has been recognized by the UN. The slogan chosen for the day, “Stop food loss and waste. For the people. For the planet "summarizes how much the fight against food waste can mean for all of us: first of all, guaranteeing equity of access to food, counteracting the dichotomy that sees millions of undernourished people on the one hand and even more afflicted by diseases resulting from poor nutrition (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and oncological diseases). The second part of the slogan recalls the importance that the fight against waste has for the protection of the environment: for example, the quantity of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere as a result of food waste is comparable to that produced by the great industrial powers (USA and China ahead). The initiatives that took place were innumerable; below is a press review with the most interesting news. Enjoy the reading!

Press review