Every year 88 million tonnes of food waste are produced in the European Union. The loss occurs along the whole food supply chain, from the production to the consumption. For the latter it is registered the highest percentage of loss, which amounts to 40% of the total. The estimated per capita food loss amounts to 100 kg per year considering the entire supply chain.

The European policies aimed at the reduction of food waste and Milan Expo 2015, in particular, laid the foundation for the creation Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP). The pact, approved by more than 200 cities all over the World, has as a goal the creation of a network for sharing knowledge and good practices for the reduction of food loss.

The MUFPP focuses on the phases of distirbution and cosnumption of food in the urban context, since cities are the places where this phenomenon occurs the most. Nevertheless, the focus on the urban context is not appropriate for understanding the phases of production and transformation (in which takes place, respectively, 38,5% and 3% of the total loss along the supply chain).

Turin and Chieri signed the pact, proposing the following projects: Orti generali and Progetto Organico Porta Palazzo (winner of the Milan pact awards in 2018) for Turin, and Reciprocamensa for Chieri.

You can find some tips on how to reduce (food) waste production on the site in the section Reduction Rules.
