The experimentation for the street collection of waste oil has started

It started in September the experimentation promoted by Amiat Iren Group for the street collection of used cooking oils in the territory of District 6. The trial concerns about 50 collection points, with containers localised in the areas of greater transit. To deliver the oil, citizens must collect the used oil in disposable containers (such as a plastic bottle) and place the entire closed bottle inside the container.

The separate collection of waste oil, already active in Turin through eco-centers, allows its transformation into products with high added value and at the same time avoids economic and environmental damage. In fact, oil is not considered an hazardous waste but it is potentially harmful to ecosystems (if dispersed in the open environment) and it can cause significant damage to water purification systems if thrown into the sink or toilet, as it often happens. For this reason, the collection of used oil is particularly important especially considering that the secondary raw material, obtained through the transformation of waste oil, can be used to produce fuel for transport and for the production of energy, soaps and vegetable lubricants.

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