It has been two years since the publication of the SUP Directive (Single-Use Plastics) and the term for its transposition by the Member States, set for the 3rd of July 2021, is upcoming.
The aim of the Directive is to address the problem of marine pollution due to single-use plastics products and plastics fishing-related items. The expected measures aim to the reduction of the quantity of waste generated and discarded and they are classified in different categories depending on the kind of products considered.
In particular, the expected measures are the following:
- reduction of consumption for products like, for example, cups for beverages and food containers;
- restrictions on placing on the market for products like cutlery, plates, straws and products in expanded polystirene;
- an increasing percentage of recycled plastics in PET bottles;
- labeling displaying the information on the appropriate waste management for products such as tampons and cigarette filters;
- implementation of extended producer responsibility systems;
- an increase in appropriately collected and recycled plastics;
- awareness raising measures.
Furthermore, on the 31st of May 2021 the European Commission published the Guidance for the harmonisation of the application of the Directive.