Packaging waste: the European Commission launches a public consultation for the revision of the rules. Participate too!

Although the tendency to lighten many packaging has spread over the last thirty years, there has been a global increase in this type of waste, especially in the last period, also as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and changing purchasing habits. Furthermore, very often, packaging design did not sufficiently take into account the difficulties and costs of treatment (including collection and sorting), thus increasing the cost of recycling. As a result, non-recycled packaging is sent to landfill or sent to waste-to-energy plants, with negative consequences for the environment, including atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. To further involve citizens and other stakeholders, the European Commission has launched a public consultation initiative open to all, through which to collect opinions and suggestions on possible measures to revise the Directive on packaging and packaging waste. The Consultation, in the form of an online questionnaire, aims to improve the design of packaging so that it can be recycled and reused in a cost-effective way and to reduce the production of packaging waste. Each of us can therefore express their opinion on an issue that concerns our daily life and environmental protection. To participate, there is time until January 6, 2021 by connecting directly to the dedicated page.

Source: Polimerica
