European Week for Waste Reduction: many ideas, a common goal

Friday, March 27, 2020, the streaming ceremony of the eleventh edition of the European Week for Waste Reduction (SERR), held throughout Europe from 16 to 24 November 2019, took place, which had as its theme "Educating to waste reduction ".

The winning actions, one for each of the 5 categories of participants, are:
Public administrations: Comune di Ispica "European Week for Waste Reduction ... online"
Businesses: Dusty Srl "Angels of the environment for San Berillo et al."
Associations: Communication Association "V SERR Action: Festival NOT ONLY FOOD!"
Schools: Slow food "The Slow Food Garden loves the planet - 245 schools in the Italian territory"
Citizens: Ambimente "Eco-consumption map: what is it and how is it used?"

In addition to the awards traditionally assigned to the categories, two special mentions were awarded. The first of these, named after our colleague Giorgio Gollo, who died prematurely on August 26, was handed over to Gabriella Barchitta, for the commitment dedicated to SERR and for the effort of coordinating SERR actions in more than 120 institutes in Sicily. The recording of the event is available on the Youtube channel of the European Week for Waste Reduction. (from the minute 47.09 the contribution of the Metropolitan City of Turin)
