7 Podcasts for circular economy

Here some listening suggestions to learn more about circular economy and get to know many experiences which made it the centre of their own activity. 

In italian language:

  • Tondo Podcast, by the non-profit association Tondo that has the goal to re-imagine the future through circular economy. Each episode introduce to a specific circular economy case, with interviews to many people who work in different sectors;
  • Economia circolare per tutti, by the firm Sfridoo which helps other firms in the transtion to circular economy. The podcast explores italian realities that made circular economy their business;
  • Pensa Circolare, a podcast by Carlo Ghiglietti on .zeroenvironment. The episodes present thoughts, interviews and opinions relatively to the world of circular economy and environmentale sustainability, to pave the way for new economic and business models;
  • Recò, the podcast of Recò Festival, the diffused festival entirely dedicated to circular economy. The episodes are for the audience to discover the concrete alternatives to business-as-usual, new consumption models, good practices for production and know one of the most active public governance in Italy on the transition to circular economy;
  • R stories, Chora’s podcast promoted by Hera Group. The narrator’s voice of Paola Maugeri recounts many stories of people who used available resources in a clever way, reducing, riutilising, recovering, recycling and regenerating. 

In english language:

  • The Circular Economy Show della Ellen McArthur Foundation, the big non-profit US foundation which is strongly active in the field of circular economy. The podcast is built of interviews to businesses, policymakers, academics, designers, ecc. to discuss the transition from a linear economy to a circulare model;
  • Circular Economy Podcast by Catherine Weetman. During the episodes Catherine Weetman explores how circular economy creates a better economic model and a better world. 